When We Fight We Win!

Today’s passage of the government stimulus has major effects on all of us. Read Local 274’s detailed summary of what it means by clicking this link and look out for more updates in the coming days.

TAKE ACTION NOW! Congress: Protect Workers’ Health

Millions of laid off Americans will start losing their company health insurance at the end of March.

During this health care crisis, companies getting emergency taxpayer money should be required to keep their laid off taxpayers covered. Please take action to protect millions of laid off Americans now!

Ready to call? Enter your information here and you’ll immediately receive a call to connect you to your U.S. Representative.

Penn Live Patriot News: PA Teachers to be Paid in Full Despite School Closures

Public school teachers worried about whether missing at least three weeks of school would cost them a paycheck or two or impact their pension can breathe a sigh of relief…

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