Unemployment Status of Claims Processing – Updated 4/4/20
(Update provided by the PA State Unemployment System):
If you opened your claim between March 15 and March 21: We are working quickly to mail a PIN to you so you can file for benefits. In case you did not receive your PIN by Saturday, 4/4, you will still be able to file for claim weeks 3/21, 3/28, and 4/4 through 9 p.m. on 4/11/20. From the time when you are first able to file your biweekly claims, continue filing every other week as long as you are still unemployed.
If you opened your claim between March 22 and March 28: Your first day to file will be Sunday, April 5, 2020. If you have not yet received your PIN, you will have the opportunity to file for your benefits for an additional two weeks. We will make sure that claim weeks ending 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, and 4/18 are available for you to complete your “biweekly” claims through 9 p.m. on 4/24/20. From the time when you are first able to file your biweekly claims, continue filing every other week as long as you are still unemployed.
Claims opened March 29 and later: We will be ensuring that you are also able to file “biweekly” for four weeks back, instead of just two, to ensure you do not miss benefits for any weeks while you wait for your PIN to arrive.
For Reopened Claims:If you reopened your claim since March 13, 2020, you may try filing your biweekly claims and receive a message that your claim is not active. Please try again each day. We are working to get claims reactivated as quickly as possible. If your filing window expires and you still could not successfully file, we will make any older weeks available for filing once we reactivate your claim.
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Aramark Workers Plead for a Pinch Hit from the Phillies
Phillies: do the right thing for your food service workers!
Read more…
CLICK HERE to sign a petition to support Aramark workers!
Unemployment Status of Claims Processing – Update
Unemployment Status of Claims Processing – Updated 4/4/20
(Update provided by the PA State Unemployment System):
If you opened your claim between March 15 and March 21: We are working quickly to mail a PIN to you so you can file for benefits. In case you did not receive your PIN by Saturday, 4/4, you will still be able to file for claim weeks 3/21, 3/28, and 4/4 through 9 p.m. on 4/11/20. From the time when you are first able to file your biweekly claims, continue filing every other week as long as you are still unemployed.
If you opened your claim between March 22 and March 28: Your first day to file will be Sunday, April 5, 2020. If you have not yet received your PIN, you will have the opportunity to file for your benefits for an additional two weeks. We will make sure that claim weeks ending 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, and 4/18 are available for you to complete your “biweekly” claims through 9 p.m. on 4/24/20. From the time when you are first able to file your biweekly claims, continue filing every other week as long as you are still unemployed.
Claims opened March 29 and later: We will be ensuring that you are also able to file “biweekly” for four weeks back, instead of just two, to ensure you do not miss benefits for any weeks while you wait for your PIN to arrive.
For Reopened Claims:If you reopened your claim since March 13, 2020, you may try filing your biweekly claims and receive a message that your claim is not active. Please try again each day. We are working to get claims reactivated as quickly as possible. If your filing window expires and you still could not successfully file, we will make any older weeks available for filing once we reactivate your claim.
Steps for Working Through the Unemployment Process
This is a helpful guide. Please note: 1) it’s working far better to apply online and 2) the state is not currently hitting the deadlines spelled out in this guide. Review the steps here.
Email PA if You’re Experiencing Problems with your Unemployment Claim
For more direct assistance, send an email to this address: [email protected]
Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Under New Stimulus Bill
Please refer to this information for enhancements to unemployment benefits under the new stimulus bill or Click Here for more details:
Comcast: Offering 2 Months Free Internet for Qualifying Households
Renters Rights During COVID-19 Crisis
For information on Legal Aid, Evictions and No Utility Shut-offs during COVID-19, Click Here.
SNAP (Food Stamps)
Click Here to apply for SNAP
Map: City Food Distribution Sites and Student Meal Sites
Click Here to access map for food distribution sites during COVID-19
BenePhilly: “Do I Qualify for Valuable Benefits?”
BenePhilly offers FREE one-on-one support for help enrolling in benefits. Benephillyflyerupdated2018 for more info.